Daycares In Clarksville Tn - As educators, one of the most important aspects of our center is our curriculum. Children become excellent learners because they are interested in the world around them!

The curriculum implemented at The Red Barn was created specifically for use in early childhood education, using a variety of teaching strategies that have been proven to be very beneficial to young children. Twice a year we have parent/teacher conferences to review your child's grades and discuss progress throughout the year!

Daycares In Clarksville Tn

Daycares In Clarksville Tn

Each class in our center has its own garden. Every year our students prepare the land, plant seeds and harvest the "fruit". The students are full of joy when they see the first seedlings sprouting from the ground, and they are happy to pick the "fruit" (usually cucumbers) to eat. This long-term science activity is the perfect hands-on experience for children to learn and develop about nature, experience the satisfaction of caring for a short time, and explore the cycle of life. directly.

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This curriculum is designed to be fun, hands-on and practical to meet the needs of children and prepare them for the future demands of public school. Our center also completes formal assessments twice a year for each student. We use information from the assessment to create a personalized plan to help each child reach their full potential. CLARKESVILLE, TN - As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many people are sheltering at home, but there are essential workers who still need to get out, and many of those families need help with parenting styles. child.

The Giving Tree Information Center is open and responding to the calls of families in need. Owner Amy Traylor said The Giving Tree caters to children 6 weeks to 12 years old, and all teachers are certified in CPR and first aid.

The Giving Tree charges registration and service fees at a rate of $40 per day. There is even a discount if someone chooses to stay for a week. They ask if the contract has an end date and a start date.

"We can take more than 40 in the school now and we have space. As of today, we can accommodate 10 Pre-K students. They can pay daily or weekly tuition without paying registration or service fees," Traylor said.

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The trailer said it takes safety precautions by providing a concierge service for pickup and delivery. “We only allow a few parents in the building at a time, the lobby. We collect children for families with workers supplies to send home,” Traylor said.

The trailer added that every weekend when they are closed, they do a fog cleaning that kills all germs and viruses in the air, especially the coronavirus. Also, on weekends the cleaning crew comes and cleans everything.

Along with these safety measures, Traylor said Daikin heating and cooling systems were installed when the Giving Tree was built 10 years ago, and these units are specialized in removing 90 percent of germs. and allergens.

Daycares In Clarksville Tn

The Giving Tree serves hot breakfast, hot lunch and snacks and is open Monday-Friday 6am-6pm. from 3216 Hwy. 41-A South.

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