H 20 Bomber - China moves forward with development of H-20 Stealth Bomber - All eyes are on Ukraine these days, but the Chinese Air Force is moving forward with development of its next-generation bomber.

While Western attention is focused on Russia's aggression against its neighbor, China continues to fly over Taiwan's air defense zone. In fact, in the first 24 hours of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Chinese flew nine aircraft into Taiwan's ADIZ, including eight J-16 fighters and one Y-8 aircraft.

H 20 Bomber

H 20 Bomber

What would it mean if the People's Liberation Air Force had a new bomb to torture the people of Taiwan? This is what the PLAAF is planning with the new Xian H-20 radar-guided bomber. Some people compare this wing design to the American B-2 Spirit and B-21 Raider aircraft.

Glgt Gpgt] Top Secret

The Chinese H-20 is probably still in circulation here. Not much is known about it other than watching the Chinese hype plane videos. Flying wings are believed to be more amazing than a regular airplane with a traditional tail. And China has to build this type of aircraft.

It can also use what is called a "rudder," meaning it can have horizontal and vertical tails with a V-shaped tail. This species is small, but very flexible. Computer-generated images show the two engines inside the plane's fuselage, with a rotating radar antenna on either side. The H-20 can also be equipped with an electronic electronic radar (AESA) to detect threats.

The H-20 carries a variety of weapons with a payload of 45 tons. The most dangerous would be hypersonic nuclear warheads with infrared targeting technology. Nuclear-powered missiles can also be launched from the H-20 as well as conventional surface-to-air missiles.

It seems that it can threaten Taiwan and expand another island and go to Guam, Japan and the Philippines. It may not have the B-2 and B-21 models to refuel from the air and take off from the continental United States for long flights around the world. However, the Defense Intelligence Agency wrote in the China Military Power Report that the H-20 could have a military range of 4,000 to 5,000 miles. It may be a fantasy, but if true, such diversity would make it a bomb and an important part of China's nuclear arsenal.

Northrop Grumman B 21 Raider

This is a major technological leap for the Chinese, who currently rely on H-6 bombers based on the Soviet Union's Tu-16 Badger. The H-20 could one day destroy the US Navy's aircraft and submarine defenses to clear the way for the H-6 heavy bombers to do more damage. So the PLAAF would not want to build more H-20s to be useful in the Indo-Pacific region.

This adds to the anti-intrusion policy in China's military doctrine. The United States and its allies need to reassess their doctrine, technology and strategy in East Asia and adjust their thinking on the capabilities and threats of China's nuclear weapons - especially if the H-20 has such a long range.

It would be premature to think too much about an aircraft that has only been seen in videos and computer-generated images. But the United States is operating in a new world of two emerging superpowers—Russia and China—that make it easy to take your eyes off each other's weapons programs. Many things and threats appear.

H 20 Bomber

. He is a Terrorist and former US Army veteran. You can follow him on Twitter

China Offers New Clues About Mysterious H 20 Stealth Bomber

Brent M. Eastwood, PhD, now editor of 1945's New Defense and National Security, is the author of Humans, Machines and Data: Future Trends in Warfare. He is a Terrorist and former US Army veteran. Two new models have been discovered that may give us some insight into the appearance of China's long-range ballistic missile.

The saga of the next generation of bombers H-20 in China may have taken the most interest in a new twist, with at least two examples offering the design of a new aircraft, or idea, which seems to be similar to the strength of the H-20. -20 is

Take a look. This last point is very important because so far we have not seen any official versions of the H-20, except for the specifications, which are vague and may not have much agreement on the final design. However, the latest information about the near-missing plane by Chinese media appears to be growing behind the long-awaited bombshell, suggesting that their disclosure - or a government-sanctioned leak - may not be far off.

Images recently released on social media show what appears to be a metal test, a type of development aid used to test the shape of future aircraft. So far, it looks like three prototypes have been found, although the first video showing the prototype in less windy conditions has not been seen until now.

H 20 Bomber (with H X, Jh Xx)

There is also a white model like a desk seen in the video of two "pilots" opening it - one in plainclothes and the other in military uniform. The event shown appears to be related to the state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), whose logo appears on the back of the model along with an English sign reading "ML Aviation."

The source of the video is not known, but it may be related to a company called ML Aviation, which is said to be conducting experiments.

Meanwhile, AVIC managed the previous video in 2018, which showed a computer-generated flying wing plane under a disc with the English text "The Next...". Among other things, AVIC controls Xi'an Aircraft Industrial Corporation, or XAC, which is known to be the prime contractor for the H-20.

H 20 Bomber

Another mysterious image of the same white color shows that it flew over the Y-20 plane, although its origin is no longer known. The relative sizes of these two types clearly show that the H-20 structure is constructed differently. Perhaps they should represent a small sample carried on a backpack for some aerodynamic tests. Alternatively, they may be two different models at different levels.

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Most interesting, however, is how the two new designs compare to older bomb types, as well as the spectroscopic properties that are documented in papers and studies. Below are two unofficial versions of the H-20 configuration, both of which are very similar to the current versions.

On the other hand, some doubts should be kept in mind. Not only does China have a long history of expressing ideas that may not be directly related to the finished product, if at all, but the secrecy of the H-20 in particular would make it a special target. disinformation, whether authorized by the government or not.

Spoke to Chinese aviation expert Andreas Rupprecht, who was one of the first to share a photo of the people on social media.

Rupprecht told us that he thinks the samples are connected to studies related to the design of the H-20, although it is also important to note that the last bomb resulted in several different studies, and this shows one - and maybe even one. , which was rejected. Indeed, there is evidence that both a subsonic wing and a supersonic delta wing were considered for the H-20, with the former winning out.

China To Unveil Its H 20 Stealth Bomber Aircraft, Rivaling The Us' B 21 Raider Launch

However from the teaser video for 2018 AVIC showing the supposed H-20 under the tarp. China's next generation of bombers has been expected to use flying wings.AVIC

"While this does not indicate the finish line, my gut feeling tells me that we are in for something very exciting," Rupprecht said. He also mentioned a prototype when a photo showing the air version of the J-20 stealth fighter was released years before we saw the final configuration. In this case, the J-20 seemed to be the "exact" model. "I'm not wondering if this is an H-20 or a test model," Rupprecht added.

It's worth noting that previous photos have shown a very different story about the wind tunnel experiment, and one that was apparently closer to the US. Air Force B-2 bomber. Although it was thought at the time that this showed the H-20, it was probably a joke that was made instead to test the capabilities of the American aircraft, especially to better understand its stealth capabilities.

H 20 Bomber

Previous wind patterns that appear to be a direct reference to the B-2. Chinese internet

World Breaking News Today (november 27): China's New H 20 Stealth Bomber Could Hit Pearl Harbor

As for the latest design, the aircraft pictured is a type of hybrid flying wing/fuselage combination including a curved nose and flared wing. In fact, it is very similar to the system that has been observed

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