H 6 Bomber - By deploying a variety of cruise missiles, the H-6's considerable firepower could provide the PLA with a major advantage in the event of a future conflict in the Ladakh region. Credit: Chinese Military.

China seems to be sticking to intimidation tactics amid heightened tensions with India on the Himalayan border.

H 6 Bomber

H 6 Bomber

According to Military Week magazine, new images released by China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) Central Theater Command show several H-6 bombers deployed near the disputed Line of Control (LOC).

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China deploys more than 270 H-6 bombers across the country, most of them along its eastern border, forming the world's largest bomber fleet, with new airfields like those of the American or Russian fleets.

According to the report, the substantial firepower of the H-6, deploying a variety of cruise missiles, could provide the PLA with a major advantage in the event of a future conflict in the Ladakh region.

Given the lack of air bases on either side, the ability to strike remote Indian bases may be enough to tip the scales in the air.

Notably, the new CJ-20 cruise missile carries a 500 kg warhead and has a range of 2,000 km, a tenth of the range of its lighter counterpart, the YJ-63, but is lighter, meaning it can carry more single bombers. report said.

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Today, China's H-6 fleet is primarily focused on targeting ships and military bases in the Western Pacific region, while a number of bombers have also been converted to electronic attack roles.

However, tensions with India suggest the aircraft still has a role in conventional ground attack.

China has deployed more than 270 H-6 bombers around the country, most of which are located along the east coast. Credit: Chinese Military.

H 6 Bomber

According to the reports, India's purchase of Tu-22M modern bombers from Russia was intended to serve as a naval attack platform.

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According to the report, air-to-air missiles from Su-30 MKI air superiority fighters are now deployed in a range of 300-400 km.

India's defense ministry also ordered S-400 missile batteries to be deployed in the Ladakh region when it was taken over from Russia, with platforms capable of intercepting cruise missile attacks and long-range bombers.

While China now has the upper hand in terms of regional air warfare and strike capabilities, India is moving to invest in more capable systems such as the S-400 and considering the purchase of MiG-35 and Su-57 fighter jets. It's called modernizing the navy.

The IAF will also upgrade its fleet with AL-41 engines and may buy the Su-35's more advanced Irbis-E radar for its fighters.

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Russia has offered large quantities of AL-41s at low cost as part of a deal to license more than 100 Su-35 fighters to India - the deal also includes upgrades to the Su-30 fleet. 35 technologies.

India also made headlines by buying its first batch of French-made Rafale fighter jets, which are considered superior to what China has in its current air fleet.

India and Russia are jointly developing a longer-range and faster air-to-air missile to replace the K-100 - which will pose a greater threat to Chinese bombers in the future.

H 6 Bomber

This site, like others, uses small files called cookies to improve and personalize your experience. Learn more about how we use cookies in our cookies. Something to keep in mind: Although the H-6K does not have the global legs of the US it. B-52 bomber, it doesn't need them. Today, China agrees to supply energy to its navy and adjacent areas that it considers important, such as the South China Sea, Taiwan and Japan.

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According to Chinese media, it will be armed with the Chinese H-6K, a Soviet Tu-16 bomber from the 1950s.

"The warplane may eventually be armed with hypersonic weapons capable of destroying enemy military bases at a distance of 3,000,000 km [1,864 miles]," reported the Global Times news site. "In conjunction with J-20 stealth fighters, the H-6K fighter can destroy the enemy's combat capability before combat begins."

In an interview with the Global Times, Van Annan, editor-in-chief of Aerospace Knowledge magazine, said that although the H-6K is neither fast nor stealthy, it can carry long-range cruise missiles.

"The H-6K can stay in the safe zone and launch missiles that can reach targets 2,000 km away," Wang said. Year, its attack range and speed can be greater than that of a conventional cruise missile, and it can hit a target in hostile territory at a distance of 3,000 km in a matter of minutes. "

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If each H-6K can carry six missiles, Wan said, ten bombers can attack sixty key military targets.

Interestingly, an expert quoted by Chinese media suggested that the H-6K, armed with hypersonic missiles, could be paired with J-20 stealth fighters. "The J-20 can partner with the H-6K to clear the skies by shooting down enemy air targets such as early warning aircraft and tankers, while the H-6K can target ground targets such as command centers and missile sites," Wang Narrated he said in an interview that H-6K aircraft are already training with unidentified fighters and early warning aircraft.

China actually turns an old bomb into a rocket car. The message appears to target land and air infrastructure that would allow US fighters to project power over the Pacific: shooting down early warning planes and air tankers and destroying command centers would be as effective as destroying US forces. Aircraft itself.

H 6 Bomber

The original Tu-16 (NATO code name "Badger") debuted in 1954 as a high-altitude, twin-engine Soviet nuclear-armed strategic bomber, serving as a multipurpose bomber, reconnaissance aircraft, and electronic warfare aircraft until 1993. Its peak Speed ​​is about 650 miles per hour, about the same as the B-52 - a subsonic jet that needs fighter jets and anti-missile protection to survive in contested skies. China obtained a license to build the Tu-16 in the late 1950s as the H-6, a significant upgrade to the H-6K model that included improved engines and electronics.

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However, for an aircraft chronologically closer to World War II, China has approximately 150 H-6 bombers available to the US. it. and her allies. With a combat radius of nearly 2,000,000 miles, roughly the distance between Shanghai and Guam, it can reach most of the western Pacific with mid-air refueling capability.

Although the H-6K lacks the global legs of the U.S. it. B-52 bomber, it doesn't need them. Today, China agrees to supply energy to its navy and adjacent areas that it considers important, such as the South China Sea, Taiwan and Japan. This, in turn, requires the ability to neutralize US forces. it. Forces and bases that could hinder Taiwan's expansion. Thus, Beijing renewed interest in long-range weapons such as ballistic missiles and guided missile bombers.

If this strategy succeeds, American planes could see airfields reduced to rubble. On the other hand, if US Have a good time.

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