Aircraft Mechanic Career Path - Home / Aircraft / Maintaining your aircraft / How to build a career path in A&P maintenance

Morning always comes early if you sleep all night. When some think back to their college days, there are fond memories of bar-hops, code parties, and the beauty of 3 afternoon classes. Such facility is not provided to Aeronautical and Electrical Engineering (A&P) students. We are students from different colleges and we have the emotional scars to prove it. Fortunately, our late 1900s curriculum does not include the humanities, or we are failing miserably.

Aircraft Mechanic Career Path

Aircraft Mechanic Career Path

A&P cadets endure a version of the Crucible [the ultimate physical challenge in Marine Corps recruit training]; It only takes two years, not 54 hours. Before you came to me in the Marine Corps, I trained you guys at NAS Millington and I have the utmost respect for your work. Let's leave it at that. Oh - the frog. Did the airframe mechanic training I received in the Navy help prepare me for A&P school? This was actually done by technical expertise and the ability to weave safety wire in three hours of sleep.

Is Becoming An Aircraft Mechanic A Good Career Choice?

Staying in a bar all night until 10:50am the next day makes the must-do list. We are not the same. Well anyone reading this far wants to know how to become an airplane mechanic, so let's get to it.

Fall is upon us, and with the changing seasons, high school seniors from all walks of life must forge a new path. Some are college bound, have 529 savings plans fully funded by their grandparents, and the next most important decision is which Greek letters will adorn their creations. Others are not so sure and face job insecurity. Some will go to work immediately, whether in retail or food. These jobs are usually low-paying and at risk of being displaced from a dot-com or self-employed shop. Gary V promotes yard sales and flips Pokemon cards on eBay. Good luck with that.

Business is a great way to make a good living for those with professional skills. My friend is renovating houses and he can't quote me for work because he is on vacation with his family in Portugal. My neighbor's son is 19, in welding school, and starting his first job at $55 an hour. What about working on airplanes, you ask? The big question; Read on, seekers of knowledge.

First, let's hit the data. Numbers drive everything these days, from stoplights to Starbucks; Everyone should look at the data before making a decision. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) recently released its statistics for mechanics and technicians in aircraft and aeronautical equipment. BLS also has a link on how to get started.

Skywest Airlines » Amt Pathway Program

When considering a career in aircraft maintenance, there are several variables to consider. Deciding to become a certified aircraft mechanic is a big step. FAA Advisory Circular AC 65-11B Aircraft and Power Plant [sic] Mechanical Certification Information is a good jumping off point. AC This is an excellent guide that addresses the most common questions asked by people considering the A&P route.

The next stop on your journey is the AC 65-2D Airframe and Powerplant Mechanics Certification Manual. Did you notice how the FAA used two different versions of the word electronic? This is not the first time they have had a disagreement. Apologies for any feds reading this. Please note that these comments are not sent to you.

The best way to get your A&P is to enroll in an AMTS Part 147 school. Although each follows the same FAA guidelines, they differ greatly in scope and scope of operation. Do your homework and ask a million questions. Check out some websites that cater to mechanics and ask about their experience at the school.

Aircraft Mechanic Career Path

Some A&P schools offer benefits to their students. My colleague and former machine shop customer, Skip Moore, went to Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology and eventually took a gig at Republic Airport. We swapped stories over lunch today, and he told me that the Spartans provide their students with school supplies.

Aircraft Mechanic Training

The A&P school I attended required you to buy your own equipment, although they offered a program sponsored by Snap-on Tools, and that investment is paying off today. Only my walker now sits in the garage, not the hangar, and it allows me to change my golf cart tires instead of Piper Cheyenne.

Georgia State University Aviation Maintenance Technology (AASAMT) allows students to earn an Associate of Applied Science in Aviation Maintenance Technology with an A&P degree.

My alma mater, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU), offers a path beyond a degree and will help you expand your career aspirations. I have completed a bachelor's degree in aviation maintenance management and can pursue a master's degree if I so choose. They also currently hold Ph.D. Programs Now, everyone, cool your jets here for a minute. The world is not ready for a doctor. Scarborough, I have a very interesting post for you.

Also, note that this month a new regulation is coming into effect for Aviation Maintenance Technical Schools (AMTS) that hopes to modernize education to better match the current industry situation. This Act amends Section 147 mentioned above.

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I had the best of both worlds. Having trained and worked as an aircraft structural mechanic in the Navy, I could hit the flight line when I got to A&P school. I was able to serve in the reserves during school. Steven Whatley, a colleague of mine, joined ERAU after leaving the Air Force. I didn't get any A&P at school; He wanted first class. how did he do Continue reading (USAF). We both took a military path and ended up in the same place: certified aircraft mechanics.

Each branch of the Department of Defense has specific programs to help members transition to the civilian world, including aircraft maintenance. The United States Navy (USN) Recognition Opportunities Program provides information on the transition from military experience to the civilian world.

The Department of Transportation (DOT) Veteran Transportation Career Center has a detailed section for Aviation Maintenance Technicians.

Aircraft Mechanic Career Path

Another way to work as a certified aircraft maintenance technician is to sign on with an airline, maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) company or fixed base operator (FBO) that values ​​military service and, more importantly, will guide to help . You are verified. One such organization is PSA Airlines and its maintenance military transfer program, which provides road maps, training, and even educational assistance.

Aircraft Mechanic Jobs At Piedmont Airlines

There is another way to get a strong certificate before employment. A&P school is not for everyone, maybe there isn't one nearby, or your family doesn't have the budget. You may need to work to earn a living, and time constraints prevent you from pulling double duty. I was lucky; The GI Bill paid my school fees, my mother gave me a place to live, and she cooked and packed three meals a day.

The federal government deals with the rules and regulations for using registered work experience to obtain a certificate. Remember Whatley from above? He used documented work history from his time in the USAF and his time working as a civilian contractor at Robbins Air Force Base to apply for the test. The civil servants gave him a representative to see everything and give him a letter.

When I had a 145 repair shop, I signed up two guys to take their power plant tests. I can't prepare an aeronautical paper because I haven't done aeronautical work.

Ready to get out there and punch your ticket to becoming an A&P mechanic? Maybe close your shingle to start paying for 100 hours of inspections, tire changes, and magnet time? Like any career, the job has its ups and downs. Watch this space as we continue to unpack all things aircraft maintenance. And as always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me at

Aircraft Structural Maintenance

Richard is a veteran of the US Navy, A&P Mechanic, and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. His experience ranges from general and corporate aviation to helicopters, business jets, and business jets. A former owner of Repair Center 145, he is now a program manager for Airline and MRO and a member of the T-C-Alliance. Follow him on Twitter @RScarCo.ATS offers employees many rewarding opportunities to support the health and financial security of their families.

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