Military Standard Testing - Graphics: MIL-STD-810 is used by the military and various industries to verify a product's readiness for harsh or extreme environments. Note. We manufacture rugged servers and workstations to military and industrial standards such as MIL-STD-810 and DO-160, and we can ensure that our systems meet these standards by using our in-house test equipment or by shipping our systems. Third Party Compliance Testing Laboratory for Certification Our facility does not provide compliance testing services for products manufactured outside of Trenton Systems. For a list of laboratories that can assist with your testing needs; Read this blog post listing the best compliance testing labs in the world. In this blog, We will examine the military standard of the United States. What is the standard of the army? Who set it up? MIL-STD-810G and its various test methods Rugged computers certified by Compliance Testing Laboratories certified to MIL-STD-810G will briefly describe the importance of MIL-STD-810G to help you understand the importance of the various military standards and test methods. It is where rugged military computers are put to the ultimate test. Air and Space Scene Above the clouds, a warplane flies in the sky and gathers intel. Human and machine work together to reduce the flow of data through rugged servers. Suddenly there was chaos. A lot. As the plane descends from altitude, the internal temperature changes rapidly, causing violent bangs and vibrations to be felt throughout the plane. The scene plays out for a few minutes. Then it's over quickly. The pilot stabilizes the aircraft, flies it to the desired altitude, and returns things to normal. Chaos doesn't affect hard computers? In the above situation, A computer can go from peak performance to critical system failure in seconds. A strong shock can break a vital component; Continuous vibrations can loosen PCIe cards, and temperature fluctuations can damage the entire system due to overheating. Much obliged, Well-designed rugged military servers and workshops certified to military standards are prepared for this. In other words, designed to handle difficult situations with ease. Manufactured and tested. What is the military standard? In the United States, The military standard (also spelled MIL-STD) is used by the Department of Defense and the US. air force Administered by the Army and Navy. It exists to ensure that products meet specific requirements for various defense purposes. Note: MIL-STD is used not only in the military sector but also in non-defense organizations because of the comprehensive test methods that verify the product's readiness for extreme conditions. Popular Military Standards for Rugged Computers There are over 40 military standards and numerous test methods covering a wide range of use cases. Some of the most popular MIL-STDs that test rugged computers are: MIL-STD-810 MIL-STD-461 MIL-S-901 MIL-STD-167 On this blog, We cover the most common and popular military topics. Standard: MIL-STD-810G. What does the "G" stand for in MIL-STD-810G? A letter conforming to the Army standard describes the current revision. There is no specific time frame for the revision, but it works in alphabetical order. January 31 The current revision published in 2019 is MIL-STD-810H. Why is this particular military standard so popular? Simply put, MIL-STD-810 addresses a wide range of environmental conditions. It includes test methods; Each test has different parameters. That's why companies in all industries have turned to MIL-STD-810G to certify their products as tough. Buyer beware of generic schemes. Most rugged computer manufacturers claim that their high-performance computers are MIL-STD-810G certified. Some vendors do internal testing and claim 'compatibility'. The tests are more rigorous, but this is not true. It is up to the buyer to ask the right questions to determine the validity of these claims. What questions should I ask? If you're in the market for a rugged server certified to MIL-STD-810G; Do yourself a favor and ask for recognized test methods for it. Don't stop there. Dig deep and request test results. What are the parameters that tested the hardware server? We need to know how it was done. Question Tip Sheet: Which military standard does it accept? What test method(s) have you tried? What are the limitations of the test method(s)? What are the results? Why not sign every hard drive? Tests are very expensive. Each test meets strict product specifications. Any small deviation is out of bounds. But rugged computers can be modified in many ways; So it's unrealistic to expect a ruggedized computer manufacturer to test every variant. often Tests are performed in the most desirable configuration for assurance. What if my specifications differ from the certified ruggedized computer? If your program requires a certificate for a specific spec. Assign it to the vendor. They should commit to confirming your exact configuration based on your requirements and time frame. What does MIL-STD-810G cover? I mentioned earlier that MIL-STD-810G covers a wide range of environmental conditions that determine the overall ruggedness or durability of a computer system. standard The 804 total pages are divided into three parts: Part One: Environmental Engineering Program Guidelines Part Two: Laboratory Test Methods Part Three: World Climate Regions: Guidance Most vendors focus on test methods and worry about third-party testing laboratories. Program guidelines. Test methods dictate the price and vendor of a rugged computing system's environment and durability. Test Method MIL-STD-810G Test Method 500 - Low Pressure (Altitude) Test Method 501 - High Temperature Test Method 502 - Low Temperature Test Method 503 - Temperature Shock Test Method 504 - Sunlight Test Method 505 - Solar Pollution Test (0 Sunlight) Test Method 506 - Rain Test Method 507 - Humidity Test Method 508 - Mold Test Method 509 - Salt Fog Test Method 510 - Sand and Dust Test Method 511 - Explosive Atmosphere Test Method 512 - Burial Test Method 513 Evaporation Test Method 512 Noise Test Method 516 - Shock Test Method 517 - Pyroshock Test Method 518 - Acidic Atmosphere Test Method 519 - Gunfire Shock Test Method 520 - Temperature, Humidity and Altitude Testing Method 520 - Temperature Method 5222/ Ballistic - Ballistic Temperature Test Method 524 - Freeze/Thaw Test Method 525 - Time Waveform Replication Test Method 526 - Rail Impact Test Method 527 - Multi-Exciter Test Method 528 - Mechanics of Shipboard Equipment Vibrations (Type I – Environmental and Type II – Internally Excited) Each test method is briefly summarized so you can decide which one is best for your product or program. Test Method 500.5 - Low Pressure (High) The purpose of this method is to determine whether a product can operate at low pressure or withstand rapid pressure changes. Products to be installed or operated in space are not covered. Test Method 501.5 - High Temperature This test is used to determine the effects on hardware and rugged computer performance under high temperature conditions. Not for long-term exposure to high temperatures or if you're trying to determine the effects of degradation on a rough server. Test Method 502.5 - Low Temperature Same as previous test method; This ensures excellent material reliability at low temperatures; However, storage, Performance during operation and manipulation is also focused on. Do not use this test method if you plan to place the product in a non-stress environment. Test Method 503.5 - Temperature Shock is a good test for our aeronautics and space environment discussed at the beginning of this blog. It is used to detect physical roughness of the server as well as sudden changes in temperature and its effect on performance. Test Method 504.1 - Contamination by Liquids If contact with liquids is anticipated during the life cycle of a program or application. whether temporary or Whether disruptive or long-term, this test method guarantees proper performance as well as physical effects. On the whole computer. Test method 505.5 - Solar radiation (sunlight) Use this test method if you expect to expose your ruggedized computer to direct sunlight. Test Method 506.5 - Precipitation Although this test states "precipitation", it is applicable not only to environments with high precipitation, but also to storage, It also applies to other factors such as splashing or splashing water during transport or operation. A rugged body plays a key role here as it prevents water from entering the internal system components. Test Method 507.5 - Moisture These test methods combine heat and water.

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